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Tuesday, 22 April 2008


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Reminds me of this one:


It´s funny to see how humanbeings are so similar in concepts and ideas , from a corner of the planet to another one.

Thank you. It's confirmed, the world is indeed a strange place. I knew it.

I love the palette of Andri's work.

I love it! Thanks.

Mike J.


What I really like about this photo - beside the point the photographer wanted to make - is how it shows us the emptiness of all those finely tuned, well compositioned, brilliantly lit, technically superior photos. Which are so revered by contest juries.

I am not sure if Andri Pol's image works because or despite all its technical "flaws".

Thanks - to Mr [?] Pol and Mike!

Yes it is.

Lol! Nicely done!

Personally, I prefer Andri Pol's photo over Sergio Vargas'. The former is much more, uh, whimsical? :)

I appreciate the introduction to Andri Poi's fine work, and I've really enjoyed Sergio (Hikari) Vargas' work, particularly his street shots for quite some time.

That's Hilarious!

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