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Sunday, 03 February 2008


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Mike, I like the tone of your post. I'm not a football fan, but I could identify the feeling. I remember sitting in the stands at SafeCo once and having the same feeling about Ichiro, how truly lucky I was to see this person play. With some athletes it isn't about awe, it's about being present at the honouring of their craft.

Mike Allen (Vancouver)

Hi Mike,

You've got Art exactly right. He had an amazing quiet dignity. He never or rarely spoke during his career to the press and did all of his talking on the field. He never celebrated after scoring a touchdown and big passes and small passes alike, he would just go back to the huddle. He is what many professional athletes should model themselves after!


I am confused! Did I just read a Sunday sermon?

I too am not a member of the Church of the National Football League.

Beautiful comments on an underappreciated player and person. It is wonderful to see that he is finally being properly recognized.

In his time, he was also one of my favorite players. And, later, after i also attended Syracuse University, there was an additional bit of pride whenever i heard his name mentioned.

Dignity and elegance. Sadly, these qualities are all but lost.

Being a fan of the defense, it was nice too to see long-time teammate Darrel Green elected as well. I'm sure covering Monk in practice helped :-) but his phenomenal speed (even late in his 20 year career), professionalism, team and community loyalty, and humility were examples of what pro-athlete character should be.

Nice that his nickname is "Art", as it sounds like that's what he did. If ballet can be art, so can, in sublime moments, athleticism.

Mike said: "Monk was one of those players who was better than his numbers, even though his numbers were stellar."

Ooooh, yeah!! And in case you missed it in Friday's Washington Post (before the HOF announcement), Joe Gibbs said the same with a stonger point:

"I've had a chance to talk to a lot of people involved in the selection process, and what I've told them is that the way we used Art, he really sacrificed his numbers for the good of the team," Gibbs said. "We could have put him on the outside, and he'd have had more yards per catch and things like that, but we used him on the inside, where he did a lot of blocking and a lot of the things that most wide receivers don't want to do. Art sacrificed for the team. When you look at the longevity he had and the leadership and the kind of person he was, I don't know how you could do anything but put him in."


Long overdue for one of the greatest members of those great Redskins teams. The fact that only John Riggins was in the HOF before now was odd. Also glad that (closer to home for me) Andre Tippett made it in, also overdue.

Monk gets in and Cris Carter doesn't? Bah!

Being a Giants fan I could not stand him and I think that sums up why he made it to the Hall.

Monk's induction was long overdue. I was sad to see that Richard Dent still did not receive enough votes to get in.

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