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Thursday, 28 February 2008


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One other similarity photography shares with golf is that it only takes one good shot to make the day worthwhile.

I was just thinking the other day about how similar golf is to photography in some ways. What nature photography is to me, so is golf to some other people: an excuse to be outdoors in relative isolation, and a way to relax. And there's the obvious parallel of walking around, stopping for the next shot, then moving on.

"The similarities between golf and photography are eerie to me. Each shot is a new beginning."

The similarities between golf and *everything* are eerie. If you play golf a lot, you always run into people who compare golf with whatever it is they do. I think it's because golf, more any other sport, profession or pasttime that I can think of, tends to be a direct expression of personality and mind. You don't have to be a great athlete to be an extremely good golfer; but it really helps to know who you are, and to be able to consciously manipulate your personal strengths and shortcomings.



It's not that I'd rather be in a dentist's chair than watch golf, but it's not far. :-)

Anyway, that 9th Hole is a terrific photo. That's all I wanted to say.

You have presented a lovely review and commentary here, Mike. I have never been attracted to the game myself, although my late father was a semi-pro at one time and although I've spent some time on a few of the world's most notable golf courses (an off-topic story). But your review nevertheless tempts me to see this book.

Well done. Thank you!

Lovely shot, the 9th hole.

How beautiful, great shots of mutilated landscapes thats only purpose is to serve a minority of decadent exploitors. Yeah, caddies formerly known as slaves. Now they get payed and feel good submitting.

The clown on the book cover, and these ridiculous stockings, shoes and club ensemble would make me laugh, if it weren't that serious, if these weren't the signs of imperialism and western arrogance. If these weren't the fire signals of human downfall.

I mean, really, golf is endmost, am I the only one thinking so?

Come on, this would be stuff for other sites, telephoto, exotic locations, rich guys celebrating themselves... Hm, isn't there a shot showing Afro-American caddies against glowing twilight, serving ... oh, that voyeuristic self-satisfaction.

No matter, how "good" this photos, this is a bourgeois botch!


Did you mean to put a "Satire Alert" on your comment? Golly gee, I sure hope so.


"I mean, really, golf is endmost, am I the only one thinking so?"
Yes, as a matter of fact you are the only one thinking so. E


Hilarious post! I assume it is a joke. You have nailed every golf hating cliché I have ever heard and introduced some new ones to boot. If you are serious my opinions are so foreign to yours that it does not even make sense to argue them.

OK, I'll rise to Andreas' comment. A large part of this attitude comes from and understanding of golf based on where you come from.

Having played golf in Scotland (home of the game) I can assure you it is neither a waste of land nor decadent exploit. Indeed, some of the most frequented outdoor areas are the golf courses (more so than the wide open heathlands) and it is a game for everyman.

Apart from cricket, I also find it the most civilised (in terms of good manners) games there is. Oh, that more of us should be so pleasant to each other as golfers.

Nice write up and intro to a beautiful book...........

I have played the game forever and even competed for a few years. I fully understand where Andreas is coming from and it is not totally hollow. I would however be willing to bet that I could spend an afternoon playing the game with him and he might just come away with a different attitude.

You can only really hate the game if you have loved it.

Thanks Mike B

I am with Martin Doonan on this one. Where I come from - New Zealand - golf is as much of a working man's sport as rugby is. The only caddie is usually the one that holds the cuppa.

And pardon my white balance, but li'l caucasian me would pay bucks to caddie for Tiger Woods or Vijay Singh or even NZ's best golfer, Michael Campbell (a Maori).

Enough angst, or it will end up as autofocusing DSLRs at dawn.

"The similarities between golf and photography are eerie to me. Each shot is a new beginning." Mike.

"Bad golf shots come in sets of three. If you have a fourth bad shot, it is actually the beginning of your next set of three". Anonymous

I'm with Andreas up to a point.

Whilst I think the golf is a fairly harmless activity in areas which suffer neither from a shortage of land or a shortage of water and, indeed, one I have in the past participated in; I feel that the modern trend to providing golfing facilities in arid areas is nothing short of obscene and an environmental catastrophe. Creating golf courses in areas where grass does not normally thrive uses vast amounts of precious resources so that a few pampered people can enjoy an unproductive pastime. Resources that can be better utilised by the local farmers and communities.

Parts of southern Spain, for example, suffer water shortages every Summer purely because the area attracts a large number of holidaymakers - some of whom evidently cannot bear to parted from their clubs for even two short weeks. This is deeply wrong on many levels.

Golfers, if you're going to a hot part of the World, leave your clubs at home!

The U.S. Open is a real occasion for entertainment and a chance that many people are waiting for every year. For those who like golf, this tournament is highly attended and tickets always are booked so early. Thus, ticket prices got sky rocked. A friend has recommended me a site where to compare ticket prices for free and I find a great idea because this way one could look for the cheapest prices offered. Here it is:

beautiful pictures!

i'll have to check out the book.

Great post. The picture of the 9th hole is beatiful. I have to take a look at this book. enjoy the U.S. Open this year.

Great article with beautiful photography.
Reminds me about when we lived on a course in Orlando and saw this type of shot very early in the morning. The early bird catches the worm as they say, or the shot in this case. Thank you.

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