Hey, I almost forgot our birthday! The Online Photographer launched two years ago last Wednesday. There were 1348 posts on the old site, and there have been 291 posts so far here on the new one. We average about 15,000 page loads every day from all over the world, with a one-day record just shy of 30,000. During our best month we received just over 400,000 page views, almost all of them on the main blog page. All this makes us a "big little site" (with apologies to the Oglala Lakota warrior Little Big Man, a.k.a. Chief Gall. That's him in the picture, in 1877): we're puny compared to the big-dog photo sites, but gratifyingly large for a blog.
A couple of weeks ago we got into some heavy discussions (in the comments to "Rather Be a Dental Floss Tycoon" and "Say It Ain't So, Soth") about how blogs make money. So, okay, here's the thing: Everybody who wants to read any part or particle of this website is always welcome, and nobody has to pay a cent for the privilege ever.
I mean that—I'm not just trying to lay a guilt trip on ya. (Well, not too much.)
That does not, however, mean that I'm going to stop trying to make the site pay. It is nice for me when you:
1. Check out the advertisers' links. ("They pay us so you don't have to.")
2. Buy something through an affiliate link.
3. Make a donation.
...In that top-down order of desirability. But every one of those things is voluntary and optional, period. Always has been, always will be, for as long as T.O.P. survives.
That said, I've gotten a tremendous amount of support from a lot of different quarters—too much to mention everyone by name. Here are just a few of the groups who have helped:
• Many of the original subscribers to my print newsletter, The 37th Frame, some of whom didn't get their entire subscriptions' worth of paper issues. The original plan with that was for the online version of the newsletter (T.O.P., of course) to be free for a few months, to build traffic, and then become a paysite, at which point the 37th Frame subscribers would have been given free passes. That never came about, which means that some subscribers in a sense made "forced donations" to the free site. That's not good, I recognize, but I've never known exactly what to do about it (given that I don't have the ready capital to make wholesale refunds—the paper newsletter lost money, which is why it didn't survive). It's not like they've been deprived of content, but still, others got the same content for free. I still think I owe the original subscribers some added value, but I haven't come up with what to give them or a good way to deliver it.
• People who comment. Hey, it would be duller around here without you, and I learn from you. Thanks.
• People who send tips (I mean regarding suggestions for content). Lots of these are redundant, but please don't stop, please. I do find a lot of stuff on my own, but some great stuff comes in over the transom from readers.
• People who send tips (here I mean donations of cash). What can I say about this kind of kindness? It's very kind. More than 30 people have made donations, all told. Top place goes to Ken Tanaka of Chicago, who got 2008 off to a great start by donating a dollar a day for the whole year, in one chunk. But several people have donated $100, one person $200, and I appreciate every $2 and $5 and $10 and $20 gift, too—after all, in accordance with the "Little Drummer Boy" principle, you never know what amount means what to whom. I'd also like to single out Howard I. Miyamoto of Hawaii, who sent a donation of cash—I mean as in cash cash—through the mail! I've been meaning to write back to thank you, Howard, but I never seem to get around to it. Consider yourself thanked, warmly, if you see this.
• Friends who've been helping to guide the site from the beginning, like Oren and Carl. True fotographisch mensches.
• People who write for the site. Carl, Eamon, my longtime colleague Ctein, David E., and many, many more.
• You, the reader! I'd probably still be doing this if there weren't so many of you, but I'd be a lot grumpier. And that would be an ugly sight to behold. Whether you are a "friend of the site" who comes by often, sends tips, and comments frequently, or a silent lurker who comes around but once or twice a month, thank you.
• Our advertisers. Spare a thought for 'em, eh? Most of our advertisers are not huge corporations—they're people not unlike you who love photography and are trying to participate in it and contribute to it. I offer discounts on advertising for "small shops," and most of our actual advertisers fall into that category. Our biggest supporter at the moment is Michael Tapes, whose "RAW Without FUD" (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) video effectively replaces technical books about RAW. His productions are of very high quality; do check them out if you haven't already. I'll have more to say about it in weeks to come. But without a doubt, historically this site's biggest supporter is Fabio Riccardi. Fabio is the visionary and entrepreneur behind LightZone, perhaps the most innovative and un-Photoshop-like image editing program out there. LightZone offers non-destructive, source-transparent handling of image files with a uniquely intuitive interface based on the traditional Zone System. It's not a stretch to say that without Fabio, this website would not exist. He was an absolutely invaluable supporter when we needed it most, and still ranks as the top T.O.P. booster. So if you like T.O.P. and you ever run across Fabio in your peregrinations, say thanks to him! Thanks to all our advertisers, too, past, present, and future. (Nikon very nearly became our first big-time camera company advertiser this month, but they passed on us, I think because they didn't like my "static images only" rule. Too bad, but I don't like blinking ads.)
Happy Birthday to Us
Meanwhile, if you want to send us a birthday card, all you have to do is buy yourself a present. (yeah, this is just an Amazon link. Boring, but it does help us out). I've been meaning for weeks to get some Amazon links permanently up on the home page, and I will, too, just as soon as I get over the current bout of procrastination I've been suffering from. I'll get an associates link to LightZone going sometime soon, too, for people who want a handy link to that.
So what say we take a go at Year Three? Seems like there's still some gas left in the tank, so we might as well.
Congrats Mike! The success of T.O.P. is so well-deserved. Outstanding site in every way.
Year Three? Heck yeah! Year Four, Five, Six. . . .
Oh, and Happy Anniversary!
Posted by: Player | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 12:46 PM
congratulations mike! i have t.o.p. in my google reader so i don't miss a thing.
Currently working on Malki's Legacy:
Posted by: nir alon | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 01:07 PM
Mike, I like to think that I made my contribution last Christmas by buying one of your "Migrant Mother" digital prints.
Which reminds me, I never did that comparison with the Aperture Gravure. I'll try to do it shortly.
PS, Happy Birthday.
Posted by: Bill Mitchell | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 01:12 PM
Congratulations and happy birthday -- and put up the full-time Amazon link. I've bought a half-dozen books from recommendations here, through the Amazon link at the top of my browser page. Nobody but Amazon profits from that...
Posted by: John Camp | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 01:38 PM
There is simply no other photography site that I have found that compares favorably to TOP. Or even comes close. Art. Historical perspective. Philosophy. Gear. Off-topic musings (to keep us alert!). Humor. Divergent views on just about everything. Tech. Old School. What's coming. On and on...and it keeps getting better! (Not to put any performance pressure on Mike...)
Happy Birthday, TOP!
Posted by: Stephen Gillette | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 02:01 PM
Many Happy Returns. TOP is usually one of the first things I turn to after reading my email.
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: HughOfBardfield | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 02:09 PM
As we say in New Zealand, "Hippo birdie two ewes". And many more.
Great site, compulsive daily viewing, great links. My wife is a Maine Coon fanatic and commented over my shoulder on the cat, and got the "lynx" pun immediately.
Posted by: tudor c-d | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 02:14 PM
As a former 37th Frame subscriber who didn't get all the issues paid for (I think -- not 100% sure), don't worry about it. Obviously, I can't speak for anybody else, but I've gotten my money's worth of content many times over.
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: John | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 02:16 PM
Happy birthday! Here in Denmark, Europe, we sure appreciate your intelligent and useful observations at TOP. Keep it up!
Posted by: Peter Hovmand | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 02:17 PM
"I still think I owe the original subscribers some added value, but I haven't come up with what to give them or a good way to deliver it."
Don't worry. Yes, I am one of those original subscribers who never received all the printed issues of The 37th Frame that they had paid for, yet I think this site is so interesting that it certainly makes up for the loss.
Best regards
Posted by: Carsten Bockermann | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 02:39 PM
Congratuations Mike. You're an excellent writer and I've been following your musings since I discovered the SMP on photo.net. Yep, I'm a Thirty Seventh Framer, but as I mentioned a few weeks ago in an email, I feel that I've received plenty of value and more than my money's worth with your daily dose of prose on TOP. I was all set to make a modest donation at that time, but got distracted. So.....here it comes. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: John MacKechnie | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 03:22 PM
Happy birthday Mike,just love this site keep it up.Currently reading "Why People Photograph" by Robert Adams which you suggested also bought Ansel Adams "400 photographs"which I've found disappointing find alot of his work uninspiring,personal view no wish to offend his many devotees.Anyway hope you've benefitted monetarely from my purchases.
Posted by: Michael | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 03:56 PM
Happy Birthday!
TOP is by far my favorite photography site. All my photographer friends are now hooked as well. I miss the Sunday Sermon, though.
Posted by: Edward Taylor | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 03:57 PM
Congratulations Mike and Happy Birthdy T.O.P. I too was a 37th Frame subscriber and have never been troubled even slightly by the switch from the newsletter to the blog. Even better in fact as it is one of my "speed dial" sites along with Luminous Landscape to get my first photog/jazz/editorial/opinion fix of the day.
I am sure it must require huge energy to keep a fresh, daily post going but as is often said, in slightly different circumstances, Yes, Yes, please don't stop!
Posted by: Gerry FitzGerald | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 04:00 PM
Well done and congratulations. Keep the site going as I am absolutely sure you have much still to offer.
Posted by: jeremy | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 05:05 PM
Congrats, Mike. As well, thanks to Ken Tanaka and the others who made my dinky donation pale in comparison :)
This is a fantastic site and I look forward to each new entry.
Posted by: chuck kimmerle | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 05:07 PM
All the best. And happy birthday.
Keep it going, I learn something new every time I stop by. And I stop by every day !
Posted by: Hoover | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 05:39 PM
Hi Mike,
Congrats on the anniversary! I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog since I discovered it about 18 months ago. I find virtually every article interesting - even the ones about things that don't interest me! Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Simon Robinson | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 05:45 PM
Thanks for all your efforts - great stuff. Put up that Amazon link - I'll use it!
Posted by: JW Newton | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 06:11 PM
Congratulations and thanks for a refreshing individual take on this fickle world we call Photography!
... much valued.
Posted by: Phil Fogle | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 06:18 PM
A magazine I subscribed to recently went out of business. They sent me a CD-ROM containing most of the content from every issue (exceptions being where the rights negotiated with the author did not allow it). Probably not practical in your circumstances, though.
Posted by: mwg | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 07:16 PM
A good balance of atmosphere and content guarantees success... Congratulations!
Posted by: Stan B. | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 10:14 PM
Congratulations, Mike. This is always a terrific place to come out and play. Looking forward to Year Three.
Cheers, Yvonne
Posted by: Yvonne | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 11:05 PM
Congratulations! Simple solutions abound to your inequity problems. One, how about offering free downloads of out-of-print essays or other materials to your 37th Frame readers? Two, how about dedicating one month of donations to paying down your karmic debt to same? Three, how about offering to mail those folks some other print thing that you have in stock? Four, how about just keeping the possibilities open until you receive a complaint from those folks, then offer to send the complainant something of equivalent value? Because I bet you don't really get many complaints, with all the content you have online here and now.
Posted by: Scott | Saturday, 01 December 2007 at 11:59 PM
A belated happy second birthday. I'm an old 37th Frame subscriber, now enjoying the gentle but penetrating opinions expressed in "Why People Photograph," and also enjoying the intellectual company of people met through their participation in TOP and other blogs. No regrets.
Posted by: Scott Kirkpatrick | Sunday, 02 December 2007 at 08:49 AM
"Too bad, but I don't like blinking ads.)"
Bless you!
If it were not for ad filtering software, there would be many sites I just could not visit, like my favorite DVD rental service LoveFilm.com (a UK business). Not only do their ads move, they make noises too! Puke.
Posted by: Eolake Stobblehouse | Sunday, 02 December 2007 at 09:33 AM
Happy Birthday! I love your writing, I love the blog, I love the off topic content, it's my first web stop in the morning, and I look forward to year three!
Posted by: Julie Edwards | Sunday, 02 December 2007 at 10:51 AM
Congratulations on starting your 3d year of TOP. It is an addiction with me - and one of my first stops daily on the internet. As an enthusiastic, but inexperienced amateur picture-taker, I find the content thread enlightening and somewhat fascinating. It's fascinating to see what gets real experienced, dedicated photographers wound up and this site often does that. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Timamcd | Wednesday, 05 December 2007 at 10:57 AM