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Thursday, 13 December 2007


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I'd like one if they are still available.


It would be an honor to clear a spot on my bookshelf for this book. I will buy one if available. Thank you.

Please forward my name to Chris as well.

Put me down for one please.



Hello Mike,
I'm interested to own/purchase a copy of the Alfred Stieglizt book. Please forward my request to Chris.
Thank you.
Alan Valencia

I'll take one if there's any left.

I would love to have one. Please put me down, if I am not too late.


I'd like one

I would LOVE to have one of these if they are still available! Wow, I can't wait. And yes, I don't think I could keep it sealed, I would definitely have to open this beauty - hope that isn't a problem with Chris. Please let me know, thanks!

Please add me to the list of those wanting this rarity.

I´d like to purchase this book if still available. Thanks!

On the subject of expensive books, Kevin Lynch is releasing 600 copies of Octagon. It's photos from the UFC's fighters (inside and outside of the cage, before after fights).

20.5x26 inches and over 800 photos.

450 Collectors copies will be sold at $2500 each, and 150 Deluxe collectors copies will be sold for $7500 each.


I'm in the wrong field.

NOTE: I believe all the copies are spoken for and then some. I will pass all the names along to Chris but unless you were in the first five or six you might be disappointed. Thanks for your interest!

Best regards,

Mike J.

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