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Tuesday, 25 September 2007


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Very nice read David,

I particularly liked this quote:

"I think art is about 100 percent pleasure," Schjeldahl answers when asked about political programmatic art. "Criticality is a pleasure for people who like it."

Indeed Peter has somehow despite all his shaky misgivings, had the sense and guts to write from his own personal perspective and aesthetic. Maybe that is where the jump from poetry seems less curious and odd? How refreshing to believe that he is not working from an adgenda dictated by the Art elite. I certainly want to believe that.....

I guess he is sort of the "every man" of the art world. Any particular work of art is only "good" if you like it.

I think that absolutely. It's just that millions of readers never get to hear or read my thoughts in the pages of ArtNews or the New Yorker.

PS If any editors are reading this, I'd be more than agreeable to the idea.

Being "aggressively shy". That sounds like a luxury only a renowned critic could afford, indeed!

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