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Wednesday, 04 July 2007


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Having once nearly died of cerebral malaria (not a virus, I know.) I think I can grasp what you've just been through, Mike.
Speedy recovery, and beware of jaded, complacent doctors.
Howard (Glimpse)

I don't usually suffer such problems, but it's exactly as you described it.
I remember several years ago waking up one day feeling my head would explode. I had to stand quiet in a dark room for two days, without moving, in complete silence. Any noise, light, or moving a finger would split my head in two. it was "Just a virus" too. And it's completely impossible to remember how I felt. I just can remember the concept of the feeling. Like falling in love, I guess. Only those who suffer it can speak about it with authority. The idea of passion is being more or less a helpless victim of a feeling. It has a lot to do with art!!!
Good to hear you're getting better, Mike!

The complacency of doctors is disturbing. A patient must take anything from "just a virus" to serious diseases equally. After all, it's the patient's life, not the doctor's, that may be on the line!

Your legacy is the tens of thousands of photography for whom you've influenced. It is your readers.

Do you have a flickr account? Why not share more of your work to the world? The upload tool makes it so easy to upload your photos...and there are groups that community-ize by topic/interest.

Thanks for the article on Phil Davis.I was one of his workshop students. He taught me more than I wanted to know about sensitometry,what a genus! Three of us still have our own photo fishing almuni workshops as Phil suggested.All of us will miss him as well as John S. It is the end of an era. Fred Mc

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