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Monday, 16 July 2007


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Nice Martingale! I use these for all our cockers (english) when on the lead at obedience or just walking in substitution for their flat collars.

Just back to catch up, and I'm very sorry to hear that your 'little virus' has become such a worrying big deal. Things have come to a pretty pass when you hope for pneumonia. Emanating healing vibrations your way.

all best


Gorgeous dog. If I may ask is she a Pit?

It's great to see that you feel like picking up a camera again! Like so many of your readers, I'm greatly concerned for your health and well being. I hope you continue to improve.

Lulu probably can't sit still because she wants everyone to see her new outfit.

Sending much positive energy your way,

Yep a Martingale - and it looks to me to be fitted too tightly...

There's some difference of opinion as to how tight it should go but it should be quite loose when the lead is not pulling on it, as in the picture, but this doesn't look very loose to me.

Oops, Mike. I didn't visited the blog in a while, and I'm shocked about your health issues. All the best for you! Fuerza carajo!!!

We know them as a "half choke", which desn't sound as nice as Martingale. Essential for lead training with any dog that naturally pulls and much more humane than the a choke collar.

she's beautiful! I also have a dog named Lulu..she's the big boss gal!

Now why is that a martingale, when a horse's martingale is entirely different? Was there a person called Martingale? Wikipedia is silent on these burning questions.


The horses Martingale isn't that different, at least, not in it's purpose. The horse's martingale prevents the horse from throwing up it's head, because, when it does, the Martingale will apply pressure to it's mouth.

Essentially it's the same principle in that when the animal does what you don't want it to, the Martingale tightens and applies pressure to stop it.

Don't get confused with the Irish Martingale that is just to prevent the reins from going over the horses head if the rider falls.

And Wikipedia does have references to all the Martingale types at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martingale

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