I've almost missed this, what with my illness and all, but you still have a few days left to post items for sale for free on the web's newest auction site dedicated to photographers. CameraGAS.com is an eBay substitute that is sworn to keep fees low, security high, and to fight hidden nickel-and-diming.
Security is a big issue. eBay tries to keep fraud as quiet as possible, of course, but the 'Cameras and Photo' area of eBay has one of the highest rates of fraud on all of eBay, and hence all the Web. Plus, as you might know, there are so many little charges on eBay that by the time the smoke has cleared, sellers have usually paid better than the proverbial pound of flesh for the privilege of using the service. CameraGAS intends to charge a straight $5.00 fee for transactions, with no add-ins and pile-ons.
You do have to register, and the site is still small (it just got under way recently). Head over and take a look—and if you have something to sell, you can still list it for free until I believe the 15th or so.
Oh—and spread the word. The more people know about the site, the better it will be.
good to see your are back and well,
but underway, not underweigh, PLEASE
Posted by: Christer Almqvist | Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 10:42 AM
I'll definitely be giving these folks a chance, if only because they clearly have a sense of humour! I love their site name.
Posted by: Matt | Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 11:43 AM
Sorry to hear your illness is still with you. Hope you get better very soon!
(Underweigh??? You ARE feeling bad!)
Posted by: GKFroehlich | Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 01:24 PM
Looks like a fine web site.
I noticed that Camera Quest is well represented in the adds. I also noticed that the web site is run by "experienced photo website professionals".
Putting two and two together, I wonder if Steve Grady is behind this web site? (That would be a good thing.)
Posted by: Dwight Jones | Friday, 13 July 2007 at 09:23 AM
Good luck to Camera Gas. Can't buy from Ebay anymore. It is just too damn risky.
Posted by: Akiva Shapero | Friday, 13 July 2007 at 03:03 PM
The new ebay on the way in-front of you in the form of elfingo.com. Many smaller sites like this offer buyers far better deals than Ebay ever could. Buyers also save a tone because this site charges little or nothing depending on the day. One more reason I like elfingo.com is because they don't take a part of the sale at all. No commissions or final value fees. A+++ http://www.elfingo.com
Posted by: Manbss | Monday, 03 March 2008 at 12:24 AM